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Families' fellowship designed around a four-fold aim of worship, education, service, and fellowship. Program helps people set standards for spiritual, moral, and physical activities, and is open to share with families from other denominations. This program is open to everyone.
Offers female members of Sid Jacobson JCC and Passport holders ages 60 and above the opportunity to meet for lunch, listen to guest speakers and meet new acquaintances. Group meets monthly at a local restaurant.


Workshops / Symposiums
Social Clubs / Events
Older Adult Social Clubs
Women's Social Clubs
Ethnic Oriented Social Clubs

Community for women with common interests to develop friendships and act on vital social issues.Meets monthly from September through May, usually on the third Wednesday evening of the month. Speakers from the community explore issues affecting women and girls and education. Meetings are open to the public; guests are welcome.Develops at least one community action project annually, lobbying legislators and working with other community groups to: improve schools broaden young women's career horizons sponsor voter education forums provide more opportunities for women


Women's Social Clubs
Women's Advocacy Groups

Welcomes newcomers to campus and promotes friendship among women at Cornell.Activity groups, include: arts and crafts: knitting, quilting arts and culture: book groups,theatre and film discussion, Shakespeare on video, writing and discussion bird study fitness activities: cross-country skiing, hiking, lap swimming, tennis, yoga French conversation games, including bridge gardening genealogy gourmet music activities: folksinging/ukulele, performers group new media playgroups for children wanderersInternational services: ESL (English as a Second Language) women's friendship groups international host family programs international committee


Women's Social Clubs
Offers a women's fellowship group, open to teenage girls and women of all faiths. Women get together to socialize, have fun, build friendships and share their lives.
We are an organization of dynamic, inspiring women who are exploring new interests through learning, socializing, and networking. Come experience personal growth, professional development, and community enhancement by participating in our chapter events, special interest groups, discussion groups, and community volunteer opportunities.


Women's Advocacy Groups
Women's Social Clubs
Networking / Relationship Building Support
Promotes wellness and social activities for senior citizens through organized recreational and educational programs located primarily at Senior Centers. Health screenings Health forums Physical activity classes at senior centers Specialty programs Virtual Senior Center Program


General Recreational Activities/Sports
Men's Social Clubs
Women's Social Clubs
Wellness Programs