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Provides investigation of child sexual and physical abuse allegations by trained CPS personnel and law enforcement officers in a child-friendly environment.


Child Advocacy Centers
Crime Investigation
Child Abuse Medical Evaluations
* Facilitates child abuse investigations through a team of community partners in a child-friendly environment, as well as support for children and families.
Provides services to help children and their families through an investigation of child abuse by offering forensic interviews, victim advocacy, pediatric forensic medical exams, and counseling services.
* Facilitates child abuse investigations through a team of community partners in a child-friendly environment, as well as support for children and families.
* Accompanies victims through medical, law enforcement, and judicial procedures.* Offers professional mental health counseling for victims of sexual and domestic violence.* Collaborates with Upstate CARES program for medical exams for child victims of sexual assault.
Provides a safe, child-friendly, setting to conduct forensic interviews, medical examinations, and overall support and advocacy for child victims and their non-offending family members wherein allegations of sexual or physical abuse are present in either a criminal or child protective investigation.


Child Advocacy Centers
Child Abuse Issues
Child Abuse Reporting / Emergency Response
Provides services for children who have been sexually or physically abused, and their non offending caregivers. Works directly with law enforcement and child protective services to investigate allegations of child abuse. Offers facilities to conduct child interviews, medical exams, mental health counseling and after care in a child-friendly environment. Services available on a referral-basis only.


Child Advocacy Centers
Child Abuse Medical Evaluations
Sexual Assault Counseling
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
* Provides comprehensive services to children and families who have been physically and sexually abused. Services include: CPS and LE investigation. Forensic interviews. Medical examinations. Prosecution. Family advocacy. Mental health and general information referrals. Support. Prevention education programming for children and adults.
Provides services for children who have been sexually or physically abused, and their non offending caregivers. Works directly with law enforcement and child protective services to investigate allegations of child abuse. Offers facilities to conduct child interviews, medical exams, mental health counseling and after care in a child-friendly environment. Services available on a referral-basis only.


Child Advocacy Centers
Child Abuse Medical Evaluations
Sexual Assault Counseling
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides child advocacy services to children who have been abused or neglected, including accompanying them to their court hearings and other meetings as appropriate to help speak on the child's behalf. Trains volunteers to serve as a neutral third party to Family Court Article 10 proceedings (abuse and neglect cases). A CASA Advocate can only be assigned to a case by a Family Court Judge.


Child Advocacy Centers
Volunteer Training
Guardians ad Litem


Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Child Advocacy Centers
Child Sexual Abuse Counseling
Child Abuse Prevention
Prostitution Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Child Abuse Counseling
A "one-stop-shop" for children and their families in the aftermath of child abuse. Serves as a home-base for multidisciplinary team members to come together in one place for the benefit of the child. The JFCAC staff and multidisciplinary team consists of compassionate, highly-skilled professionals in the fields of law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, medicine, mental health, victim advocacy, and forensic interviewing. All services provided to children and their caregivers at the JFCAC are offered on-site and free of charge. Additional sites: 31 Duncan Street, Warsaw, NY 14569 243 South Main Street, Albion, NY 14411
A multi-disciplinary program responding to reports of physical and sexual child abuse. Criminal justice, medical, and mental health services are coordinated on site. Prosecutors, police officers, social services workers, therapists, victim advocates, and medical professionals work together to investigate allegations and to reduce trauma for children reported as victims of sexual or physical abuse. Provides a child-friendly environment for interviews and medical examinations. Also provides community education and professional training on issues related to child abuse and family violence.


Child Advocacy Centers
Child Abuse Prevention
Assist in investigation and prosecution of alleged child physical and sexual abuse cases by conducting joint forensic interviews, team decisions regarding the investigation, treatment and prosecution.
* Provides advocacy for children who are victims of sexual abuse.

* Takes reports of child sexual abuse.

* Provides counseling for child sexual abuse victims and their families.

* Provides medical and mental health evaluations for child victims of sexual abuse.


Child Advocacy Centers
Professional staff and trained volunteers monitor permanency plans for foster children and families involved in family court system. Cases assigned by Family Court Judges as needed.


Foster Home Placement
Advocacy/Ombudsman Volunteer Opportunities
Issue Advocacy
Individual Advocacy
Child Advocacy Centers
Guardians ad Litem Volunteer Opportunities
Providing services to victims of child sexual abuse, domestic violence, and serious physical abuse. A child friendly environment is provided. Help offered includes victim support and advocacy.
Provides services for children who have been sexually or physically abused, and their non offending caregivers. Works directly with law enforcement and child protective services to investigate allegations of child abuse. Offers facilities to conduct child interviews, medical exams, mental health counseling and after care in a child-friendly environment. Services available on a referral-basis only.


Child Advocacy Centers
Child Abuse Medical Evaluations
Sexual Assault Counseling
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides services for children who have been sexually or physically abused, and their non offending caregivers. Works directly with law enforcement and child protective services to investigate allegations of child abuse. Offers facilities to conduct child interviews, medical exams, mental health counseling and after care in a child-friendly environment. Services available on a referral-basis only.


Child Advocacy Centers
Child Abuse Medical Evaluations
Sexual Assault Counseling
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides child advocacy services to children who have been abused or neglected, including accompanying them to their court hearings and other meetings as appropriate to help speak on the child's behalf. Trains volunteers to serve as a neutral third party to Family Court Article 10 proceedings (abuse and neglect cases). A CASA Advocate can only be assigned to a case by a Family Court Judge.


Child Advocacy Centers
Volunteer Training
Guardians ad Litem
Provides services for child victims and their non-offending family members including forensic interviews, referrals for counseling and therapeutic intervention, victim support/advocacy, medical evaluations, and case review and tracking.


Interview Space
Crime Victim Support
Therapy Referrals
Child Advocacy Centers
Child Abuse Medical Evaluations
Provides comprehensive services in a child-friendly setting for children who are traumatized by sexual abuse and physical abuse. Incorporates Erie County's Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT), which has representation from professionals in the fields of law enforcement, prosecution, child protective services, medicine, mental health, and victim advocacy.


Child Advocacy Centers
Baby Furniture
Infant and Child Safety Education


Child Abuse Counseling
Human Trafficking Prevention
Prostitution Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Child Advocacy Centers
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Child Sexual Abuse Counseling
A safe, child-friendly center that supports a multi-disciplinary investigative approach to child physical and sexual abuse allegations. Provides a child-friendly environment where child abuse victims can safely talk, coordination of agencies conducting investigations, medical evaluations, victim advocacy, mental health services, and information and referrals.


Child Advocacy Centers
Child Sexual Abuse Counseling
Child Abuse Medical Evaluations
Child Abuse Counseling
Specialized Information and Referral
* Facilitates child abuse investigations through a team of community partners in a child-friendly environment, as well as support for children and families.