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A program designed to keep first-time juvenile offenders out of jail by obligating them to make amends for their crimes, and guiding them away from getting arrested.


Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Victim / Offender Mediation Programs
Mediation services are designed as an alternative to court to handle civil or minor criminal issues and disputes such as family conflicts, neighbor-to-neighbor disputes, consumer-merchant problems, landlord-tenant complaints and student-to-student or student-to-teacher disputes. Settlements are intended to avoid future conflict without placing blame or guilt. Agreements are binding and enforceable by courts. Special eviction prevention program assists landlords and tenants before the court on eviction petitions. Provides consultation and training to schools for conflict resolution curriculum and peer mediation programs.


Labor Arbitration / Mediation
Divorce Assistance
Victim / Offender Mediation Programs
Landlord / Tenant Dispute Resolution