New York State - Attorney General - Charities Bureau | New York State - Attorney General Virtual Location
Responsible for supervising charitable organizations to protect donors and beneficiaries of those charities from unscrupulous practices in the solicitation and management of charitable assets. Also supervises the activity of foundations and other charities to ensure that their funds and other property devoted to charitable purposes are properly used, and protects the public interest in charitable gifts and bequests contained in wills and trust agreements. The Bureau also maintains a registry of charities and fundraising professionals. Charitable organizations operating in New York State are required by law to register and file annual financial reports with the Attorney General's Office. This includes any organization that conducts charitable activities, holds property that is used for charitable purposes, or solicits financial or other contributions.
Physical Address
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Application process
Call 212-416-8401 or email [email protected] for questions about charities, questions about trusts and estates, and any other concerns. Call 518-776-2160 or email [email protected] for questions about fundraising. To register a charity, see the following instructions: To make a Freedom of Information Request, see the following instructions: To submit a complaint, see the following instructions:
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Open to all. Service Area: New York State.
Agency info
New York State - Attorney General