College Scholarship Program - Say Yes Buffalo | Say Yes to Education Buffalo at 712 Main Street

Provides scholarships for Buffalo public and charter school students to attend college (certificate programs, 2-year and 4-year degree programs). Scholarships cover up to 100% of the tuition at any college or university in SUNY/CUNY system or at nearly 100 private colleges and universities after Federal, State, and institutional tuition aid has been applied.

Physical Address

712 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14202


Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5pm.



Main Phone

Application process

Call, visit online, or speak to a Say Yes Family Support Specialist located within each BPS school for more information.




Grants and scholarships are available to students who: - Reside within the City of Buffalo - Graduate from a public or charter school in Buffalo from June 2013 onward - Enroll full-time at a Say Yes college within one year of high school graduation - Complete grades 9-12 in consecutive years at a public or charter school in the city of Buffalo or enroll in and complete the Buffalo Public School Adult Education College Career Institute's course of study - Apply for all federal and state financial aid programs available (FAFSA and TAP), including Selective Service as required by law

Agency info

Say Yes to Education Buffalo