Employment Program - GCDSS | Headquarters
Seeks to promote job searches, job referrals, and supportive services to divert applicants from the need of ongoing cash assistance. Provides an intensive assessment to help identify potential barriers to self-sufficiency and assist families to overcome these barriers, job readiness training and other employment-related services such as resume writing, interviewing skills and techniques, and supportive services to assist in maintaining/retaining employment. If cost effective, employment-related supportive services such as car repairs or insurance, transportation assistance, work clothes, etc. can be approved by DSS on a case-by-case basis.
Physical Address
5130 E Main Street Rd, Batavia, NY 14020
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5pm.
Application process
Must have face-to-face interview.
Temporary assistance applicants and recipients. Service Area: Genesee County.
Agency info
Genesee County - Department of Social Services (GCDSS)