Erie County Sheriff's Office - Civil Enforcement Division | Erie County Sheriff's Office at 134 West Eagle Street
Serves and executes the various legal processes issued by and for the several non-criminal courts of New York State and for jurisdictions of other states and countries throughout the world. The Civil Division is the enforcement vehicle for all civil courts, including small claims, city, county, state, and federal jurisdictions. Legal processes administered by the Civil Enforcement Division for the legal community and the general public include: - Income and property executions - Notices, summonses, subpoenas, and petitions - Court orders: contempt of court, civil arrests, orders of seizure, and attachments - Orders, Writs, and Warrants related to evictions
Physical Address
134 W Eagle St, Buffalo, NY 14202
Monday-Friday, 8am-3:45pm; closed weekends and legal holidays.
Application process
Phone, write, or walk in.
Applicable on civil matters.
Service Area: Erie County.
Agency info
Erie County Sheriff's Office