Offers programs to students ages 5-11 in grades K-6. Elementary Level Developmental Programs includes: the Developmental Program which services students with various developmental disabilities. The primary goal of the program is to maximize each student's potential and to teach skills that will enable them to become as independent as possible within the confines of his/her disability. Program components include improving cognition with an emphasis on sensory motor skills development. Functional assessments of behavior and behavior intervention plans are put in place for support when needed. Students are classified as: Multiple Disabilities; Autism; Intellectual Disability and other Health Impariment. The Academic Program services students with learning and behavioral disabilities. The primary goal of the program is to maximize each student's potential. Program components include instruction that is comprised of the general education curriculum and which supports the Common Core State Standards. Behavior management, self advocacy and social skills are addressed. A building-wide behavior management plan is an integral part of the program. Functional behavior assessments (FBA's) and behavior intervention plans (BIP's) are implemented for support when needed. The 12:1:4 Program emphasizes a multi-sensory approach to learning. Emphasis is placed on improving cognition, sensory motor skills development and use of adaptive equipment to aid movement and independence. Students placed in the 12:1:4 class component are dependent upon staff for meeting their needs throughout the school day. Classroom instruction is provided with hand over hand assistance. Related services of speech, occupational therapy and physical therapy are provided on a group push-in basis. All students are assessed using the New York State Alternate Assessment. The Autism Program services students with various development disabilities. The primary goal of the program is to maximize each student's potential and to teach skills that will enable them to become as independent as possible within the confines of his/her disability. Program components include academics with an emphasis on functional skill development. Behavior management, independent living, and social skills are also addressed. Where needed, discrete trial instruction and applied behavioral analysis are utilized in conjunction with grade level curriculum. Functional assessments of behavior and behavior intervention plans are implemented for support when needed. This program is offered at various locations.

Physical Address

215 Old Riverhead Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978


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An inclusive educational cooperative of 51 Long Island school districts, provides regional leadership and advocacy, direct instruction, management, and support through quality, cost-effective instructional programs, and shared services. These programs and services maximize inclusive educational and career opportunities and equitable access for Long Island’s diverse community promoting lifelong learning for both children and adults, to achieve excellence and enhance the operational effectiveness of the region