Chautauqua Works - Jamestown | Chautauqua Works - Jamestown
Offers easy access to the following employer services: job postings, candidate listings, information (referrals, permits, legal, etc.), economic development referrals, pre-hire testing (fee for service), recruitment, screening, job fairs, and business seminars. Also offers coordinated referrals and access to over 50 certified training programs throughout Chautauqua County and surrounding areas. Customers can obtain the following services: internet access to statewide and regional job listings, learning the best skills to acquire a job, assistance with job placement, and unemployment insurance information. Offers specialized services for youth under the age of 24. Youth summer employment opportunities may be available, depending upon funding. Free informational workshops: Career Exploration, Create/Update Your Resume, How to Conduct an Effective Job Search, Interviewing Techniques to Help You Get That Job, and much more. Resources include computer access, fax machine, telephone access (for calling employers), out of area job listings, photocopier, and professional staff assistance.
Physical Address
4 E 3rd St, Jamestown, NY 14701
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm.
Application process
Registration required; call for more information.
Varies by service. Call for information. Service Area: Chautauqua County.
Agency info
Chautauqua Works