Homelessness Prevention Program | Legal Assistance of Western New York - Bath Office
Provides legal assistance to persons and families threatened with homelessness due to eviction, foreclosure, utility shutoff, code violations, or other causes including mobile home park issues and land contract problems. Assists the household in trying to resolve the housing crisis and provides legal case management services to help the household maintain economic stability. Works to prevent evictions and, with community partners, provides rapid re-housing to our clients.
Physical Address
16 W William Street, Bath, NY 14810
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; closed 12:30pm-1:30pm (lunch).
(607) 776-4029
Application process
Call your local office or visit the website for an application.
No fee.
Residents of Allegany, Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben and Yates counties.
Agency info
Legal Assistance of Western New York (LAWNY)