Cornell Cooperative Extension - Niagara County - Lockport | Cornell Cooperative Extension - Niagara County - Lockport
Helps families and individuals improve their nutrition and eating habits, money management, and life skills through the Eat Smart New York and other community health initiatives. Provides information to participants on nutrition and health, meal planning, budgeting, and food safety. Participants receive hands-on learning on how to prepare quick and easy meals, how to prepare food safely an keep it safe to eat, how to read food labels an understand the dietary guidelines, and how to stretch food dollars.
Physical Address
4487 Lake Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094
Monday-Thursday, 8am-4:30pm; Friday, 8am-4pm.
Application process
Call for information.
All ages. Service Area: Niagara County.
Agency info
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Niagara County